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The Sunnylands Initiative 

The Sunnylands Initiative was established in January 2020 to advance a vision for cooperation on strengthening democratic governance norms in the Indo-Pacific region. Recognizing a lack of regional infrastructure to defend freedom, human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and an international rules-based order, thought leaders from Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Samoa, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, and the United States gathered on the lands of the Gayamagal People in Sydney, Australia, to reaffirm the Sunnylands Principles on Enhancing Democratic Partnership in the Indo-Pacific Region, and to launch action plans in pursuit of an Indo-Pacific region governed by respect for universal democratic values.

Joint Statement to ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting in The 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023 From The ASEAN People Centrum

Going into the 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023 in Jakarta, civil society elements from no less than 40 groups across Southeast Asia and Indonesia joined hands thru a non-state regionalism called the ASEAN People Centrum to voice out deep concerns to ASEAN Leaders: We saw a growing discrepancy between the state-centric orientation of current state practices with the desired emancipated people-centric outlook as stipulated in the ASEAN Charter. We express our deep concern over the continuous signs of discrepancy between the rhetoric and products by ASEAN and the needs of people. ASEAN has grown more into an elitist and state-centric rather than a people-centered entity. [31 August 2023]

ASEAN People Centrum: Civil Society Working Network to Challenge Systemic Problems in ASEAN

There are quite systemic problems developing and being maintained in ASEAN. ASEAN as a nation-based organization (“a gathering of nations”) is now moving away from civil society. The various struggles felt by civil society and fought for solutions through ASEAN have found an impasse. This was revealed at the National Meeting "ASEAN People Centrum: How ASEAN Matters?" which was held in hybrid by Synergy Policies and attended by participants from various regions in Indonesia. Present at this National Meeting were elements of civil society that deal with issues of workers, migrant workers, women, children, people with disabilities, human trafficking, anti-corruption and democracy, environment, education, reproductive health, prevention of cruelty in politics, and youth. From the journalist element, there were representatives from six (6) digital, TV, and mass media. This event was supported by Heinrich Böll Stiftung Southeast Asia Regional Office in Jakarta, Wednesday (9/8/2023). This National Meeting is a continuation of several previous meetings initiated by Synergy Policies. There is a common thread that can be drawn that civil society chooses to voice the real conditions of society so that ASEAN country leaders and the political and economic elite can develop cooperation and policies that respond to these real conditions. The results of this reflection and joint agreement will be brought to the regional level to the civil society networks of neighboring countries in Southeast Asia.

The Urgency of Cooperation in Overcoming IUU fishing in Indonesia

"Tackling Challenges of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing" organized by Indonesia Strategic and Defense Studies (ISDS) and the United States Embassy in Indonesia took place on June 8 2023. Present as a speaker in the discussion was Deputy Operations Officer for the Security Agency, Laksda Bambang Irawan; Kepala Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, Dr. Anastasia R.T.D. Kusumawardhani; Executive Director of Synergy Policies, Dinna Prapto Raharja, Ph.D; and Kompas Journalist, Lukita Grahadyarini. This discussion aims to commemorate International Day Against IUU Fishing on June 5. "IUU Fishing does not only talk about the fish on our dinner table but also contains the blood and sweat of the fishermen involved in it," said Dinna to start the material. The driving factors for IUU fishing include weak and complicated monitoring processes at ports, business competition in fisheries which is a capital-intensive industry, as well as the vulnerability of coastal communities who are often involved in debt, and are complicated by expensive and complicated permit models. Moreover, the ships owned by Indonesian fishermen are on average under 30 GT, and can only go to sea in areas less than 12 Nautical Miles. Even though each type of fish has different fishing techniques and fishing equipment. “A good strategy to deal with this problem is to make policies that are people-centered and look at the reality on the ground; complete regulations and ratify ILO Convention 188 which regulates forms of protection for fishing vessel crews and their mechanisms; "Port reform in Indonesia is related to governance, budgeting, and cooperation for monitoring ship size control," said Dinna.

FGD Review and Revise Training Modules for Sesdilu and Sesparlu Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The FGD Review and Revision of Training Modules which took place on 9 May 2023 for Sesdilu and 11 May for Sesparlu was attended by speakers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and external speakers for Sesdilu, namely Mr. Yoyo Budianto, Mr. Wibawanto Nugroho, Ms. Curie Maharani Savitri, Mr. Muhammad Edhie Purnawan. On May 11 2023, the external speakers who attended were Mr. Wahyu Susilo, Mrs. Karen Tambayong, Mrs. Indrasari Tjandraningsih, Mr. Budi Setyarso, Mrs. Wahida Maghraby, and Mrs. Atnike Nova. Synergy Policies was trusted to be the main speaker for this activity which was hosted by Dinna Prapto Raharja. 

Side Event ASEAN Summit Labuan Bajo, 6 Mei 2023

Synergy Policies yang diwakili oleh Bu Dinna Prapto Raharja, menjadi Keynote Speaker dalam acara "Side Event ASEAN SUMMIT" yang akan terselenggara selama tiga hari dengan empat sesi oleh pembicara yang ahli di bidangnya.
Agenda ini dilaksanakan pada 6-8 Mei 2023 di Hotel Flaminggo Avia, Labuan Bajo.

Side Event KTT ASEAN (ASEAN Summit) 2023 yang diselenggarakan oleh Migrant Care, diadakan dalam pertemuan hybrid mengundang perwakilan pegiat perlindungan pekerja migran di kawasan, baik yang ada di Indonesia maupun di mancanegara. Pertemuan ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan masukan dari sisi perlindungan pekerja migran untuk Indonesia dan Presiden Joko Widodo selaku Ketua ASEAN dalam acara KTT ASEAN 2023 yang sedang berlangsung di Labuan Bajo.
Dalam keynote speech tersebut, Bu Dinna menyampaikan cara kerja ASEAN, signifikansi KTT ASEAN secara umum dan konteks dalam penanganan isu pekerja migran, update terkini mengenai geopolitik yang berkembang yang berdampak pada pekerja migran, serta merumuskan rekomendasi untuk KTT ASEAN.

Synergy Policies Forum 3 yang diadakan pada 4 Mei 2023

Synergy Policies Forum 3 yang diwakili oleh para senior advisor seperti Pak Marzuki Darusman, Pak Faisal Basri, dan Ibu Dinna Prapto Raharja mengadakan FGD yang berlangsung pada 4 Mei 2023, mengundang kelompok masyarakat sipil yang terdiri dari berbagai organisasi dan Think Tank.

Peserta yang hadir dalam kegiatan ini adalah Pak Taufiq Hidayat (Yayasan Autisma Indonesia), Pak Cornelius Hanung (Forum-ASIA), Bu Nadine Sherani (KontraS), Bu Ika Agustina (Kalyanamitra, Bu Emmy Astuti dan Bu Yohanna (ASPPUK), Pak Ah Maftuchan (The PRAKARSA), dan Pak Andrew Mantong (CSIS). Kemudian masukan menyusul dari Pak Wahyu Susilo (Migrant Care) dan Pak Hariyanto Suwarno (SBMI)
Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengumpulkan pandangan masyarakat sipil menuju High Level Task Force on ASEAN Community Post-2025 Vision (HLTF-ACV) menuju ASEAN vision 2045. Nantinya masukan ini akan disampaikan sebagai bahan penyusunan dokumen kerja HLTF-ACV melalui Sekretariat Nasional ASEAN di Kementerian Luar Negeri RI.


Co-organized by Takeda Pharmaceutical & Pusat Kajian Jaminan Sosial UI that Dinna Prapto Raharja helped founded & served as expert in politics of healthcare.

Women needs to connect and organize initiatives together. Not just during the International Women's Day or Month but all thru the year. From left to right: Agustine (Senior VP Partnership, Alodokter), Dettie Yuliati (Secretary PERSI, Indonesian Hospital Association, compartment pharmacy, health facilities and the use of drugs), Suci Arumsari (Co-founder & President Director Alodokter), Ati Nirwanawati (IAKMI, Indonesian Association of Public Health), Dinna Prapto Raharja (Co-founder & Executive Director Synergy Policies), dr. Asih Ekaputri, MPPM, MM (member of National Social Security Council 2019-2024

Webinar by WHO Geneva and Alliance for Healthy Policy and System Research, 23 March 2023 on Making National Health Insurance Responsive for Citizens

23 March 2023, Synergy Policies team lead by Dinna Prapto Raharja presented the findings of research published at BMJ Global Health, 2022 on Informal Patient Navigation Initiatives to Empower Patients and generate National Health Insurance Responsiveness in Indonesia. We discussed the operation of BPJS Watch, Jamkeswatch, Posko JKN-KIS amid the lack of effective formal initiatives (, Care Center, Mobile JKN, BPJS Satu). 535 participants from 112 countries attended the webinar organized by WHO Geneva.

Synergy Policies Forum: Menjajaki Solusi Politik atas Konflik Di Myanmar (28 Februari 2023; Pemetaan Sistem Pemerintahan yang Paling Optimum untuk Mynanmar Melalui Dasar-Dasar yang Ada di Tahun Ini (17 Maret 2023)

​Synergy Policies has been hosting a series of dialogs on Myanmar within Indonesia’s Foreign Policy & ASEAN. We sketch the new phase for the Five Point Consensus & recommend steps to track 1 diplomacy. Follow our recommendations in our publication


Tema yang diusung Indonesia  ‘ASEAN Matters: The Epicentrum of Growth’, Indonesia berharap ASEAN penting dan relevan bagi masyarakat ASEAN, juga penting dan relevan bagi Kawasan khususnya Indo Pasifik dan dunia. Meskipun begitu, sejumlah tantangan dalam mendorong partisipasi masyarakat sipil di ASEAN menjadi agenda yang penting dibahas. Salah satu tantangan yang ada adalah belum adanya mekanisme resmi pelibatan ASEAN dengan masyarakat sipil. Tema ASEAN Semiloka  ini diambil dari urgensi pelibatan, koordinasi, dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat sipil ASEAN.

Dinna Prapto Raharja, PhD (expert in public policy) is appointed by the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry of Human Development to serve as Member of Jury Panel to give Employment Social Insurance Award Paritrana  2022-2023 to companies and local governments. This is her second time serving in Paritrana Award.

Global Development Initiative Think Tank Network

On Wednesday, September 14, 2022, Asian Institute of Eco-civilization Research and Development (AIERD) of Pakistan launched the Global Development Initiative Think TankNetwork. The launch of this wide-ranging network of think tanks from several countries was spurred by the announcement of Global Development Initiative (GDI) by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the General Debate of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly GDI is an initiative that calls the international community to place development high on the global macro policy agenda, accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda, and work together to steer global development towards a more balanced, coordinated, and inclusive phase.


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